How we help

We empower you, the parents to raise confident, resilient and happy kids!

Contact today or book your free

45 minute consultation Online

I know how easy it is to feel lost and confused with all the parenting approaches that are available to us! Life feels frantic enough without us feeling like we’ve failed as parents because we don’t know how to help ourselves or our children.

It’s tough enough without the added heartache and confusion that comes when our child is struggling with low confidence and self-esteem or behavioural challenges.

It’s easy to blame ourselves and seek answers from the so called experts out there.

Truth is, nobody knows your child like YOU do!

And nobody knows you like YOU do!

The approach that we take here at The Emoji Coach is by far the most empowering, liberating and rewarding because we focus on the key qualities for true long lasting transformation. We get to the root cause!

By empowering YOU to heal your own childhood wounds, break outdated and destructive generational parenting patterns and fully step into your personal power, the possibilities for you, your child and your family are endless!

“The big aha moment for me has been how important it is to beware of what’s behind the generational patterns”      

4 month parenting programme.

 “Watching the positive ripple affects work it’s way through the family is magical”  

4 month programme.

I have created a unique approach. A blend of the essential ingredients for you to step into your personal power. You will unlock the innate wisdom that is deep within you so you can feel happy and confident as a parent which will then mean that your child will feel happy and confident.

It starts with you. I empower you to empower your child.

You will be Supporting and developing your child’s sense of self, his/her confidence and self-esteem by learning the way of THE LIBERATED AND EMPOWERED PARENT. No more nagging, or shouting or feeling frustrated with yourself and your child.

The Liberated and Empowered Parent Programme unlocks the 3 key principles for sustaining long lasting happy, healthy and harmonious family life that will continue for generations to come


Key Stone 1: Developing True Compassion.

This is the 1st step which consists of Compassion for yourself, Forgiveness, Letting go of beating yourself up and learning to trust yourself. Self-acceptance

1) Self-Compassion

Without self-compassion it’s impossible to be connected to who you really are, your authentic self.

And when you’re disconnected from yourself, it’s reflected in your experience with others.  It manifests as weak boundaries and deep feelings of resentment or anger.

It is easier to blame others and feeling vulnerable not understanding yourself.

Going through this process, you’ll emerge fully and unconditionally loving yourself, feeling deep connection and having strong personal boundaries that will have a ripple effect of love and positivity throughout your family.

2) Letting go of generational patterns and our stuff

It’s amazing how we bring generational patterns, and our story into our children lives without realising.

Unhealed, and undealt with past “stuff”, patterns and traits that we carry seep into our child’s life

You’ll recognise these when you’re triggered by situations that are happening to your child!  You feel like they’re happening to you, and you believe you’re expressing love but it’s really your stuff that is showing up!  

Until you can break these bonds, your child will not move past these experiences and situations either.

I will help you break these patterns, heal and clear the way in order for your child to receive the benefits, and you will be raising a confident, resilient and happy child.

3) Self-acceptance

Lack of self-acceptance sounds like “I’m not good enough” and fills you with tremendous self-doubt ultimately costing you your connection with yourself, your child and your family and your own happiness.

Your child may also take on this belief.

Learning to love and like yourself, you will realise that by acknowledging how you feel isn’t as scary as you thought, or that you were led to believe it would be. When you gain belief in your ability to parent, you shift through the fear and come out the other side and your children will follow your path.

Key Stone 2: Master the Art of Holistic Communication.

When you have a breakdown in communication within the family it can create constant misunderstandings which lead to shouting, slamming doors, everyone feeling misunderstood and family life feeling hard. Communication is so important, and I’m talking about how you communicate to yourself as well as your family. Your self-talk can be debilitating and stop you in your tracks.

1) I help you look at how you are communicating

1) I help you look at how you are communicating with yourself and teach you how to communicate with your own inner child using the whole brained approach. What are your patterns and themes that come from your childhood?

2) We look at what your paradigms

2) We look at what your paradigms are telling you and believe me paradigms can be very seductive trying to keep you safe from moving forwards. What are you saying to yourself that disempowers you?

3) I show you a simple yet effective way to communicate

3) I show you a simple yet effective way to communicate with yourself that will move you forwards. When you master this, it will infuse with how you communicate with your child, and you will be inviting your child on how to communicate back to you. This will have a beautiful ripple effect with your children and throughout the family.

Key Stone 3: Creating Soul level Connection.

Not having that connection with yourself makes you wander from one wrong path to another, making the same mistakes until you completely lose track of the essential things that make your life meaningful : love, empathy, kindness for yourself, and living in the moment. You can only understand your life and yourself when you look within yourself.

So, now we’re looking at building this incredible connection. This is the absolute final piece to my teaching, and the outcome that everyone wants. This is where we Tap into your innate wisdom and who you truly are and how you want to parent.

1) Who are you under that layer of self-doubt and frustration?

We go a little deeper and heal some more before coming out the other end of this journey.

2) What are your fears?

It’s amazing how we bring generational patterns, and our story into our children lives without realising.

3) Truly connecting with your heart and being in total alignment with who you are at the core.

Parenting from your heart. Being the parent, you truly want to be and find that side of you that you lost. Seeing the positive affects it is having on your family.
Connection means people are feeling safe. When people feel safe, it’s safe to love.

The Resilient and happy kids programme

Children with low confidence and self-esteem often struggle with creating bonds and friendships, and may even suffer mental health problems in the future.

None of us want our children to go through that.

You may have noticed your child talking negatively about themselves and they’re abilities and you’re concerned for their well being OR you may just want to give you children the BEST start in life.

By them working through the Emoji Kids programme they will develop self confidence and self-esteem and become confident, resilient and happy kids.

The programme is fun, engaging and educational. The topics we cover are:

My Amazing Brain

My Amazing Brain – how it works, how we learn, & how to make the most of it

What’s Unique About Me

What’s Unique About Me – we want kids to get that it’s ok to be different & really understand themselves

Understanding Your Values

Understanding Your Values – your motivators, what’s important to you

How to Manage Your Negative Thoughts

How to Manage Your Negative Thoughts – giving practical tools to manage that negative chatterbox that sometimes shows up


The Importance of Emotions & how to manage them well


Energy – how to look after yours and not get drained by others

My Magical Heart & Compassion

My Magical Heart & Compassion – being compassionate with yourself & knowing your positive qualities as well as showing compassion for others

How to Communicate Well & Be Heard

How to Communicate Well & Be Heard, being assertive (not passive or aggressive)

How to Tap into your Inner Google

How to Tap into your Inner Google – everything’s possible when you believe in yourself


Mindfulness: Helping them to be in the present moment having a non-judgemental awareness.

Be the best leader you can be

Be the best leader: I believe our children are our future. Teach them well and let them lead the way. Song by Whitney Houston and George Benson. I help them to see their strengths and how to be the best they can be.

The Resilient Teen Programme

We all remember how hard it was during our teenage years but if I had a pound for every parent who said to me “I’d hate to be a teenager now!” I’d be a millionaire!

The challenges facing our teens in this day and age are unenviable as they have to navigate social media, drugs, bullying and those fake insta-profiles to compare themselves to every day!! Our resilient teen programme teaches these amazing young people how to step into their personal power, find their own voice and develop the resilience to thrive in uncertain times:

  • Gain an understanding of who they are (gain of self-identity)
  • The teenage brain – how it works, there learning style, & how to make the most of it
  • What’s Unique About them – we want teenagers to get that it’s ok to be different & really understand themselves
  • Understanding Your Values – your motivators, what’s important to you
  • How to Manage Your Negative Thoughts – giving practical tools to manage that negative paradigms that show up on a daily basis
  • The Importance of Emotions & how to manage them well
  • Energy – how to look after yours and not get drained by others
  • My Magical Heart & Compassion – being compassionate with yourself & knowing your positive qualities as well as showing compassion for others
  • How to Communicate Well & Be Heard, being assertive (not passive or aggressive)
  • How to Tap into your Inner Google – everything’s possible when you believe in yourself
  • Mindfulness
  • Be the best leader you can be

Contact today or book your free

45 minute consultation Online

11 + 5 =

Alternatively you can call me on:

07882 333386


Monday: 8 am – 8 pm
Tuesday: 8 am - 8 pm
Wednesday: 8 am – 8 pm
Thursday: 8 am - 8 pm
Saturdays: 10 am – 12 noon